Strength beyond his years

Gabrielius Bazikas celebrates Halloween at Children’s Hospital during his 2006 stay for leukemia treatment. (Photo from Metrowest Daily News)

In recent days, Southborough has lost two notable residents to cancer (library director Paula Polk on 10/26 and firefighter Pat Hanley on 10/27). Today comes a story of one who is winning his battle against the disease: five-year-old Gabrielius Bazikas.

Gabi, a student at Finn school, spent six months in Children’s Hospital for treatment after being diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia when he was 3. His parents Vytas and Renata told their story to Julia Spitz of the Metrowest Daily News. You can read the artilce here and can find more details on the Spitz Bits blog.

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