Each year Southborough resident and VFW Commander Steve Whynot puts his thoughts about Veterans Day into writing. He shared this year’s message in a recent comment on the blog, but I’m reprinting it here for those of you who may have missed it.
Recently I questioned myself why it was necessary to put my thoughts about Veterans Day in writing and did it really make any difference whether or not I sent my message.
Then I stepped back to put it all back into perspective.
Two young pilots from Massachusetts and their crews killed in the air over Afghanistan.
Thirteen soldiers and civilians at Ft. Hood whose lives were taken on their home soil.
Seven members of a Coast Guard helicopter lost off the coast of California during a training evolution.
The commissioning crew of the USS New York ( LPD-21) who have the honor to serve aboard and feel the bow cut through the waves – A bow made of the steel from the Twin Towers.
Those who wear the uniform of our country put their lives on the line 24-7-365.
Those who wear the uniform of our country carry on the tradition, honor and pride of the men and women who went before.
Make note, those serving today were not drafted. They volunteered. They entered the service of their choice in order to better themselves and this world and they swore the same allegiance to this country to “defend it – against all enemies – foreign and domestic” as those who have gone before them.
So as I have in the past, I ask each of you to take time on this Wednesday November 11th 2009, to remember our Veterans and to thank a Veteran for their service.
Keep in your thoughts, those serving at this very moment. Feel in your heart the pain of those families that have lost a loved one.
Remember those who are recovering from their wounds physically and emotionally at home and at Veteran Hospitals around this nation or sadly even in the streets of our nation.
This day isn’t about half price sales; advertisements announcing special video game releases or a buy one get one free slogan. It isn’t just about a day off from school.
It is about honoring the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month – The end of the War to end all Wars. Sadly, we know all to well that hasn’t happened.
It is about honoring the sacrifices of those who have defended this country in our past and those who serve our country today.
Thank a Veteran. Shake their hand. Welcome them home.
Express your appreciation for a job well done with a simple “Thank you for your service”
Remember this Veterans Day.
Steve Whynot
VFW Post 3276