Countdown to town meeting: What do you want to know?

Town Meeting starts a week from today. There has been no shortage of discussion on this blog and around town about many of the issues voters will get a say on next Monday. Operating budgets have been the center of discussion, but there are other articles that voters also will be asked to weigh in on.

There are capital item requests — thermal imaging equipment for the Fire Department, DPW equipment, a new police cruiser, and more. There is the question of whether to set aside money to pay for an attorney in our ongoing dispute with Northborough. There is the decision on whether to raise the hotel tax to 6 percent, and whether to allow alcohol sales starting at 10:00 am on Sundays.

And there is the question of how to allocate Community Preservation Act funds, and whether to reimburse the legal fees of employees involved in the Southborough Eight investigation.

In all, the warrant this year holds 34 articles. In the next few days as we approach town meeting, let’s work on getting each other up to speed. Take a look at the warrant. What do you want to know before heading to Trottier next week? Are there issues you’re fuzzy on? Procedural questions you want to understand better? Let us know in the comments.

(Photo by Nancy Gould)

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Eileen Samberg
13 years ago

I think it’s great that we can download the warrant! Thanks for the link.

Gail Jenks
13 years ago
Reply to  Eileen Samberg

Both the warrant and the Annual Town Report are available on the Town website ( as well as documents from last year’s town meeting.

Neil Rossen
13 years ago

In what order do matters actually come up at the Meeting?

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