Above: Former Selectwoman Donna McDaniel expressing concerns about a plan to restructure town government (photo by Chris Wraight)
Town Meeting on Tuesday endorsed a citizen-backed plan that will move the town further down the path of restructuring its government.
Voters approved the creation of a committee that will draft language for a new Town Manager form of government. The government structure includes creating a Town Manager position, and increasing the Board of Selectmen from three members to five.
Other changes as detailed in the Town Governance study completed in 2007 (available here on the town website) will also be looked at.
The Town Meeting article had the backing of a number of prominent residents, including all the members of the Board of Selectmen, a majority of Advisory Committee members, and most of the members of the Town Government Study Committee, along with several former selectmen and former Town Administrator Janice Conlin.
But not all Town Meeting members were sold on the idea. Former Selectwoman Donna McDaniel said she was “skeptical” of the plan, particularly the recommendation to increase the size of the Board of Selectmen.
“I’m not sure five selectmen is going to reduce the amount of work,” she said. “Sometimes the more people there are, the more you have to talk about it.”
McDaniel also expressed concern about finding enough qualified candidates to run for seats on the expanded board.
Selectman John Rooney said a Town Manager structure of government would remove many of the day-to-day responsibilities from the board — things like assessing fines for those who use the Transfer Station without a sticker — and instead let them focus on strategic planning.
“I think you want your Board of Selectmen to be setting priorities and long-term objectives,” Rooney said. “Right now we don’t have anyone doing that.”
Rooney also said expanding the Board of Selectmen would increase diversity.
Board of Health Chairman Louis Fazen expressed concern that under a Town Manager form of government, some elected boards could become appointed boards. “I want to alert the town to what can happen when you go too far in streamlining government,” he said.
In the end, Town Meeting voted overwhelmingly to create the drafting committee and allocate $10K to cover legal and professional services costs.
Advisory Committee member John Butler, who initiated the article, said the drafting committee will present their results at Town Meeting next year. Voters would have to approve any changes before restructuring took place, so no doubt there will be lots of discussion about this in the future. Stay tuned.
Today I was sworn on the “Drafting Committee for Town Manager Legislation” and I am excited and energized to evaluate alternative ways ( which may also have increased efficiencies and operating effectiveness infrastructure support.) I bring some Biotech Sector experience with my business excellence expertise to this team and understand the importance of benchmarking with similar governmental infrastructures, I am driven and know that this committee can make a transformative shift in the way the policies are enacted and implemented and could ultimately put forward a plan for an efficiently run body of government. Wouldn’t it be thrilling for Southborough to trail blaze for the state?
I was one of the first to swear in and complete my ethics test but we are a group of anxious people looking for the BEST from Southborough’ s residents, schools and busnesses.
Marnie Hoolahan
Who are the other members?