State looking at changes to Rte 9, Flagg Road and Crystal Pond intersections: comments due 9/16

Above: From MassDOT study, Figure 4.2-7: Route 9 Improvements at Park Central Drive to Flagg Road Egress Modification

The Metrowest Daily News reports that MassDOT made a presentation last week on changes they are considering to relieve traffic and improve safety for the area of Rte 495 near Rte 9 and the MassPike. The study included many recommendations. Two that may be of particular interest to Southborough residents, (in 2012 dollars):

improving the Crystal Pond Road/Rte. 9 intersection ($2.1 million), enhancing the Park Central Drive and Flagg Road area ($1.5 million) and improving the Research Drive and Connector Road area ($685,000).

Other recommendations that directly reference Southborough include:

  • “widening Route 9 to three lanes westbound from Computer Drive in Westborough to Deerfoot Road in Southborough. Route 9 eastbound would be widened from Coslin Drive (Southborough) to Deerfoot Road. . . includes areas of wetlands, will be required along the north side of Route 9 at the former Verizon property in Southborough to accommodate the third lane. The cost of the Route 9 widening as proposed is approximately $9.2 million”
  • Consolidate driveways on Route 9 East of I-495
  • “Encourage . . .Southborough to revise zoning codes to provide for smaller-scale retail/service development within walking distance to support the needs of employees within the office/industrial parks in the study area.”
  • “Implement bus shuttle service from the Southborough Commuter Rail Station to job centers in the I-495/Route 9 area”
  • “Encourage . . . Southborough to revise zoning codes to provide for more transit supportive development”
  • The MWRTA is extending their Route 1 Green Line shuttle service, from MBTA Woodland Green Line station to the Westborough Technology Park, including a stop at the Southborough station starting this fall.
  • Town should improve accessibility for bicyclists and pedestrians

The MassDOT study and recommendations can be found here. MassDOT apparently allowed a 45-day public comment period. That is set to expire next Monday, September 16, 2013.

Think elements of the plan are a must that will improve traffic flow? Have specific concerns about impact? See any flaws in the plan? Whatever your opinion, if you want to weigh in, submit your comments ASAP to:

Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Office of Transportation Planning
10 Park Plaza, Room 4150
Boston, MA 02116
Attention: Paul Nelson
or by email to

The study does refer to implementation steps requiring review with the Town of Southborough on construction plans. I’m not an expert on these matters. So I’m not sure what the Town’s authority or role would be in any of the highway changes the state chooses to pursue. (Anyone who is an expert is free to post a comment educating us!)

The study also acknowledges that encouraged town by-law changes would require approval by Town Meeting.

Below: From MassDOT study, Figure 4.2-6 Route 9 at Crystal Pond Road Intersection Improvements


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11 years ago

I was wondering whatever happened to that huge EMC development that was approved several years (it included several traffic mitigation measures); presumably that’s on hold after the ‘recession’. And so, do these new recommendations include those, in addition to, etc?

Also, does this “Other reccomendations include improving the Crystal Pond Road/Rte. 9 intersection ($2.1 million)” mean making the ‘Verizon’ driveway line up w/ Crystal Pond Road?

I'm just sayin'
11 years ago

Well, this is interesting indeed. First I have heard of this, Beth, so thank you! Looks to me that this could potentially solve the traffic problems associated with the new development that was proposed that so many were against…but it will still impact Flagg Road residents. Not certain if it is for the better or worse since I, for one, have always avoided traveling on Flagg Road…it is so dangerous with people whipping down the center of the road and around curves. It will make a stop at Cumberland Farms for gas a bit of a longer because of the circle to get back out on Rt. 9….but much safer since there will be an extra lane for doing so. But then, if you want to pull in there, you will be fighting with the traffic that is exiting from Flagg Road. I am reminded of the Cordaville/Woodland reconfiguration that was implemented after a foggy morning accident. Might have looked good on paper, but the reality of turning on to Cordaville from Woodland is now a nightmare trying to see up Rt. 85., especially if the garage there has anything parked on the corner of the lot :-( It has become even more dangerous than it was. Hopefully there will be more study and input on this major road and traffic change.

Sobo Res
11 years ago

While Sobo is looking into all this, how about making Parkerville road go straight through (with a signal on Rt. 9/ Parkerville intersection), rather than making a U-turn on Rt. 9 near middle street.. Would be so much more convenient in the busy traffic hours, especially for school drop-offs and pick-ups.

John Kendall
11 years ago

The state will not install a light there. Safety issues with eastbound traffic.

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