Above: Just one of Troop 1’s many scouting adventures. (Scroll down for more photos)
Troop 1 is recruiting new Boy Scouts. The troop will host its annual Jump Start trip for new scouts March 18-20. It’s a chance for potential scouts to give it a try. No previous experience is needed. (Scroll down for details).
In advance of the trip, they’re seeking to get the word out to parents – and sell parents on why they should be signing their 5th/6th grade boys up to join the trip or the troop.
The Scoutmasters shared a recent speech. One of the highlights include a pitch to parents “be selfish”. Time the boys spend with parents will quickly shrink. But scouting offers parents a way to stay connected with their sons through shared adventures.
For the boys, adventures are the main selling point – including white water rafting, mountain climbing, horseback riding. (Pretty much, whatever the boys decide they’re interested in doing.)
Other points focus on the good it does for the boys:
- entering middle school and high school with “kind and loyal” older scout peers already as friends
- building self confidence
- having opportunities to fail in a forgiving environment
Ultimately, they claim:
scouts, on average more than their peers, grow up to appreciate what they have, be thrifty savers, take care of themselves and their environment, care about their communities, and respect and care for others.
For those worried that kids will be too busy, there’s a reminder – few boys will be three seasons athletes in high school.
Scouting will wait for those other activities to quiet down and will be there to help prepare your son to be prepared for life.
For the full inspirational recruitment speech, click here.
As for this month’s Jump Start trip:
Boys will be able to tent or stay in a heated cabin and learn to safely use outdoor skills and tools, light a fire, tie knots, and apply basic first aid. If your son is in 5th or 6th grade and would like to try scouting for the weekend, please contact Troop 1 at jbg.greene@gmail.com. No prior Scouting experience required.
Below are more pictures of Troop 1 adventures. Click to enlarge.
My son Brian has great memories of his 7 years with Troop 1. The boys learn useful outdoor skills, leadership, and respect.