Tomorrow, the Library Board of Trustees is hosting their annual Candidates’ Night.
The event gives voters the chance to meet candidates and hear what they have to say.
This year, there are contested races for the Planning Board and Moderator. Candidates for those races will get a chance to address the crowd and answer questions.
The Meet & Greet begins at 6:30 pm, followed by 7:00 speeches and Q&A.
Here’s a reminder of who is in the running:
Planning Board – vote for one – 5 year term
- Meme Luttrell, 19 Oregon Rd.
- Craig Nicholson, 30 Pinecone Lane
(For past coverage on that race, click here.)
Moderator – vote for one – 1 year term
- Desiree Aselbekian, 137 Woodland Rd.
- William J. Boland, 35 East Main St.
- Stephen A. Morreale, 58 Oregon Road
(For past coverage on that race, click here.)
Why is it we do not post their political affiliation. It is important . Every other town does. There should be a D, R or I or maybe if a greenie is running a G. Will there be a statement by anyone concerning their positions? THanks.
Hello Mike,
Thanks for the question. Our Town elections are non-partisan. From Selectmen to Board of trustees, all are not affiliated with any political party. In Soutborough, more than 60% of the registered voters have chosen to be listed as unenrolled, shown as U on the voter rolls. The newer U designation was previously referred to as Independents (I).
Hope this helps to clarify.
Steve Morreale
Parties are not involved in this election. The parties are independent organizations and are not completely applicable to the town’s elections. The candidates will make their positions obvious without political affiliation. The parties are simply not needed.
I applaud your communications skills and your awareness of how your Town operates. Both seem quite advanced for someone in middle school. Well done.
Steve wow that was very informative I didn’t realize the independent was so high in Southborough however it would helpful to know if someone is more liberal or more conservative when I don’t know some of the candidates. One of the people running for moderator I know is in my opinion more liberal and has been after elected office for a long time and many positions but that’s the only thing I know about anyone.