Left: Preservation Planners Katheryn Grover and Neil Larson are beginning their work for the Town to help designate an area around Main Street as a Historic District (photo by Rebecca Deans Row)
The Historical Commission has asked me to share an update. The main gist is that there has been movement on pursuing the Main Street Historic District.
Last spring, Town Meeting voters approved hiring of preservation planners to write up the official paperwork request. Last month, the commission selected and hired them:
The Preservation Planners hired to write the National Register Nomination for the proposed Main Street Historic District visit Southborough
On November 15, 2017, preservationists Neil Larson and Kathryn Grover paid their initial visit to Southborough to scout around the proposed historic district. Historical Commission members, Kate Matison and Rebecca Deans Rowe were on hand to greet them and answer questions. Later they met with Michael Weishan at the Historical Museum, and he showed them the maps and photos in the historical collection.
Larson and Grover will write the National Register Nomination on behalf to the Southborough Historical Commission, and submit it to Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC), as one of the final steps needed to complete documentation for the district. Don’t hold your breath, this will be a lengthy process by the time we get the go ahead from MHC.
Why List in the National Register?
Listing in the National Register recognizes Main Street’s importance to the history of the Southborough community. The National Register of Historic Places is the list of individual building, sites, structures, objects and districts deemed important in American history, culture, architecture. It’s a federal designation administered by the Secretary of the Interior through the Massachusetts Historical Commission.
Visit Neil Larson’s website: http://www.larsonfisher.com/
I hope that Ms. Grover and Mr. Larson aren’t around when the police station is demolished. They might argue that it has historical significance. That would gum up the golf course deal.