Above: This afternoon, the National Weather Service updated its forecast for tomorrow’s storm. (click to enlarge chart)
I’m sure it’s no news to any of you that we’re expecting a storm tomorrow. There’s no official word on school yet – but I’d be prepared to get the call.
Other cancellations have already begun. The Library is rescheduling the drop-in Lego play from tomorrow afternoon to Thursday, January 11th and the Conservation Commission cancelled it’s meeting for Thursday night.
Here’s the latest scoop on what we can expect in town according to the National Weather Service’s website.
This morning, NWS was predicting snowfall tomorrow of 8-12″ which was up from yesterday’s forecast. They raised it again this afternoon. We’re now looking at 10-17″ in Southborough.
It’s expected to begin coming down at a rate of 1-2″ per hour prior to morning rush hour and continuing through the evening rush hour. During the day, wind gusts could reach 38 mph. At night that could go up to 45 mph.
Between the heavy snow and damaging winds, there’s a strong possibility for power outages.
Lets hope crews don’t have too much trouble getting power restored. Temps in town could drop to 6 degrees on Thursday night and the high on Friday is only 11 degrees with a low that night of -5. That’s not even taking wind chills into account.
Unlike the snowfall forecast, the wind chill forecast improved since NWS posted maps this morning. Currently, the agency is predicting a windchill low of -14 on Friday morning. (It had been forecast in the -20s earlier.)
To look for updates to the forecast, check the NWS website.
Updated (1/3/18 5:30 pm): The MBTA has announced a limited schedule for tomorrow’s trains:
Trains shaded in yellow on paper/PDF schedules will not operate. Some express trains will make additional stops. Check http://mbta.com/winter for line-specific information.
The Governor has announced that “state offices will be closed Thursday for non-emergency, executive branch state employees due to the upcoming winter storm, and is urging everyone to stay off roadways if possible.”
(Thanks to Southborough News for tweeting both of those updates.)

Here is the new forecast map from NWS which inched up again, putting Southborough officially in the 12-18″ zone.
Updated (1/3/18 5:49 pm): School has been cancelled as expected.
Updated (1/3/18 10:23 pm): The Southborough Library will also be closed on Thursday.
Updated (1/4/18 7:32 am): Confirming that Town offices are also closed today.