Above:The Town House, festively decorated by Southborough Gardeners in a past year. This year, they put up the many wreaths around Town again thanks to the support of local businesses. (Photo by Susan Fitzgerald)
For decades, Southborough Gardeners have been decorating the town with wreaths for the holidays.
This year, they again hung wreaths all over town – on locations that included Town buildings and businesses on Main Street, the Veterans’ Monument, the Senior Center, Cemetery, Southville Fire Station, Cultural Arts Center, Police and Fire stations, and the Library.

They also hang them on businesses that help support the program through their donations.
The group asked me to share their thank you to the businesses that made it possible this holiday season.
(And I’d like to thank the Southborough Gardeners members for all of their efforts!)
Here is their message:
The Southborough Gardeners would like to thank the following businesses for the generous donations they made toward the wreaths the Club hung along Main Street this holiday season.
Falconi Brothers, Inc.
Hillers Cleaners
Knights of Columbus
Lily Nail Salon
Mauro’s Café
Main Street Bank
Santander Bank
Saxony Barber Shop
Southborough Dental Associates
Southborough House of Pizza
Wee Care for Little People
William S. Drowne InsuranceThrough your generous donations customers, visitors and neighbors alike were able to enjoy the festive feeling created by the decorative evergreen wreaths that adorned businesses, municipal buildings and monuments along Main Street in Southborough. Your contributions helped us continue this wonderful holiday tradition. We are truly grateful for your generous support.
Happy New Year!