Above: Boy Scouts help kids shop for gifts at their annual gift shop. (photo by Joao Melo)
You may be eagerly waiting for the Black Friday sales in a few days. But for kids in town, the big holiday shopping day is the first Saturday in December.
Each year, Boy Scout Troop 92 puts on a Kids Shop. It’s where children to buy gifts for their families (even pets) without their parents’ prying eyes.
The Woodward School Cafeteria is converted to a kid-safe department store. Tables are stocked with inexpensive items. Scouts personally escort children to help them select their gifts. They even wrap the presents for free.
(And if you can’t trust the Boy Scouts to be honest about the kids’ change, who can you trust?)
While waiting, adults can enjoy refreshments in the “cafe” area right outside the door. (In addition to “treats” you can expect to find lunch fare.)

This year’s Kids Shop will be held on Saturday, December 1 from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm.
Offerings include toys, puzzles, ornaments, mugs, games, calendars, tools, gloves, pet toys, fleece blankets, and much more.
There is something special about the experience. When my kids were younger, they loved the shop. They were so excited and proud to pick something out on their own and keep it a secret from everyone until Christmas morning.
It’s worth making the effort to bring your kids by!
Updated (11/26/18 8:50 am): Added flyer