Above: Campers can again enjoy Southborough Recreation Department’s summer camps at Finn and Woodward. (Images from photos courtesy of the Southborough Recreation Department and/or their Facebook page)
The Southborough Recreation Department is again offering its popular half day summer camp programs. Sign up by April 24 to take advantage of the early bird discount.
Camp at Finn School is open to children ages 2.9 to those entering first grade, while the Woodward program (actually held at Woodward this year) is open to children entering grades 2 through 6. The program will run from June 24th to August 9th.*
Each week offers dedicated themes (like Carnival Week and Barn Yard Fun) with special activities and visitors. The WW camp also offers occasional special outings, and most weeks include a swim at St. Mark’s.
For more information, or to register, see the camp flyer for Finn or the camp flyer for Woodward. You can fill out the forms in the pdfs or register online here.
The early bird rate for both camps $155 per week – except for 4th of July week which is $128.
For even older kids looking for something to do, there’s the CIT program at both camps. It’s geared for children entering grades 7-9:
A CIT (counselor in training) is a camper enrolled in a specialized camp leadership program. Through practical experience CIT’s learn about behavior management, risk management, safety awareness, decision making, program planning and team building. This program is meant to develop future leaders for camp and all other areas of life. Our goal is to give CITs the opportunity to gain confidence, pride along with a sense of community and accomplishment.

For more details, check out the description cropped from the brochure (image right). Registration for the uber popular option isn’t available online, and Rec doesn’t offer an early bird discount for the program. To register, you need to fill out the mail in form, available here.
When deciding which weeks you want to sign kids up for, you may want to first check on the schedule for other one-week specialty camps this summer. There are a few sports camps and some programs focused on fun with science or engineering. There are also the usual ongoing classes/camps over the summer for tennis, golf, and horseback riding. You can view the the spring & summer brochure here.
*Note: Barring any more unforeseen cancellations, the last day of school will be Monday, June 17th. School resumes for the next school year on August 28th.