Last weekend, Southborough Little League held its Home Run Derby. This year, they sent along a thanks to sponsors and supporters. (Perfect for a “Feelgood Friday” post!)
June 1st the Southborough Little League(SLL) hosted their third annual Home Run Derby and Movie Night, sponsored by Carvalho and Roth Orthodontics. Everyone had a great time including the 9 finalists across two age groups.
The SLL wanted to thank Uhlmans Ice Cream, New England Smoker Rentals, Fun Flicks, the team of announcers led by Ben Schanzer, and all the parent volunteers who made the event come together.
They also sent along photos to go with the news, highlighting the successful hitters. Below are the finalists and winners of the contests
For the Majors (left to right): Francis McGonagle, Zack Kesselman, Nolan Whelan (winner), Dominic Sarno, Emilio Manz

For AAA (left to right): Jack Owens, Thomas Sinclair (winner), Adam Karmelek, Eyal Shemer