Above: This summer there’s another myriad of choices for how to enjoy “Free Fun Fridays”. (images from Facebook pages, clockwise Charles River Watershed Association, the Norman Rockwell Museum, The Gardens at Elm Bank, and Edward M. Kennedy Institute)
Highland Street Foundation is offering Free Fun Fridays again this summer. They’ll be offering 100 chances to visit museums, parks, and theaters for free over the ten Fridays this week through late August.
Each week includes great choices within reasonable driving distance for a day trip. (Plus, some that may make more sense if you’re enjoying a longer stay in another part of the state.)
One example this Friday, caught my eye – the Nichols House Museum. Several years ago efforts to turn the Nichols House in Southborough into a museum failed. That was apparently the “DeClinton Nichols House.”
The Nichols Museum listed on the FFF website was the Beacon Hill home to “landscape gardener, suffragist and pacifist Rose Standish Nichols and her family”. You can learn more about that here. According to the museum’s website, for their Free Fun Friday event on June 26th, they will:
activate and enliven its outdoor garden and three historic period rooms through hands-on activities, craft demonstrations, and multi-sensory experiences.

Other offerings this Friday are: Lyric Stage (performances of Folktales Near and Far), Cape Ann Museum, Clark Art Institute, MIT Museum, Norman Rockwell Museum, Plimoth Plantation, The Mount (Edith Wharton’s Home), Wenham Museum, and Worcester Art Museum.
You can check out the scheduled for upcoming weeks in the image right or open the pdf here for a more legible version.
For more details and links to the venue websites, click here to visit theFree Fun Fridays website.
In addition to free entry, many of the venues have special activities planned on their Friday date. So make sure check out the venue’s event calendars when you look at visiting information.
(Of course, you may also want to explore options for any day of the week. Don’t forget the Southborough Library’s pass program for discount or free admissions.)