Above: Make a note to sign up later this week to take part in the Senior Center’s upcoming special events, including making porch pots, the middle school band concert, and a free public safety appreciation luncheon. (images cropped from Facebook posts)
The Southborough Senior Center opens registration on Thursday for upcoming programs. Here’s what they have in store for the next two months.
[Note: There is one exception. Registration is already open for the bus trip, through the Recreation website].
Given that most programs fill up, you’ll want to take an advance look at what you want to sign up for. (Scroll to the bottom for more info on registration.)*
Below are my highlights. (More details, like what’s for lunch, are in the newsletter.)
There was a bit of a snafu with the newsletter printing. An ad meant for the bottom of page 9 covered up details on the lower half of page 10. Fortunately, I have all of those details included below.
Field Trips
The center is taking a different approach this spring.
Boston Harbor Sunset Cruise Bus Trip
Thursday, May 23rd, 5:30 pm – approx. 9:30 pm (cruise is 90 minutes)
(Registration is open now & not just for seniors)
The bus pickup and dropoff will be at the Senior Center as usual. But, registration is through the Rec website and already open to any adults ages 18+.
“Whether you are a history enthusiast, nature lover, or simply seeking a leisurely escape on the water, Boston Harbor Cruises promises an unforgettable adventure”.
A $40 fee covers the bus and the cruise. (Snacks and drinks are for sale on the boat, but not meals. So, participants are encouraged to eat dinner in advance.) The trip details are here. And you can find more info about the sunset cruise here.
Bullfinches Cooking Class
(Off-site at Bullfinches Restaurant, 730 Boston Post Road, Sudbury)
Thursday, May 16th, 6:00 pm
This local outing does not include transportation. The chef-owner will demonstrate his techniques for preparing the 3-course meal participants will enjoy. ($50 Suggested Donation, wine or bar drinks are an additional cost, details on page 6)
Special Programs at the Center
As usual, the Senior Center has special guests and presentations planned.
Cup Cake Decorating
Wednesday, May 8th, 1:00 pm
A baker from Yummy Mummy will lead the “fun filled hour learning decorating at its best”. ($15 Suggested Donation, details on page 6)
Author Talk with Bob Ainsworth
Wednesday, May 15th, 12:00 pm
The local author and member of the Senior Center will present on his career as an author and the books he has researched and written, including his fictional account of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum heist, and actual details of the theft. ($6 Suggested Donation includes lunch, details on page 6) [Note: This is rescheduled from February when the event had to be cancelled due to illness.]
Trottier Middle School Big Band Concert
Wednesday, May 29th, 3:30pm
The award winning, by audition-only, 6th-8th grade band lead by Jamie Clark will perform big band and jazz tunes. ($3 Suggested Donation includes pizza, details on page 8)
The Joys of Nature — Adventures in Nova Scotia
Wednesday, June 5th, 12:00 pm
Enjoy a virtual visit to the provence, and learn about its nature and history, including its ties to New England. ($6 Suggested Donation including lunch, details on page 8)
Southborough Fire and Police Departments Appreciation Luncheon
Wednesday, June 12th, 1:00 pm
Show appreciation for and mingle with the Town’s public safety personnel. (Free luncheon for Southborough residents only, details on page 8)
Spring Porch Pot
Thursday, June 27th, 2:00 pm
Tina Bemis will lead participants in making a plant arrangement that attracts butterflies and hummingbirds, to last for many months. ($20 Suggested Donation, details on page )
Walking Group Brunch
May 6th, 8:30 am
[Note: These are the details that were covered by a misplaced ad in the newsletter.] Winter Walkers and all who are interested in Summer Walking are invited to a brunch at the Senior Center, May 6th, 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. We will be celebrating the end of Winter and embracing Spring with glorious sunshine, beautiful colors, abundant gardens, melodic birdsong and not wearing the weight of winter atire! If you’d like to participate in the Summer Walk program and/or brunch please email me at skiess2@verizon.net no later than May 4, 2024 to register. Thanks for your interest in walking and your participation in our Senior Center programs! Sandy Kiess
Center-Run Favorites
These regularly offered monthly programs also require pre-registration.
Wednesday, June 26th, 1:00 pm
[Note: These are the details that were covered by a misplaced ad in the newsletter.] “Come join us for a wonderful afternoon of Bingo, fun, and prizes. Our Bingo Leaders, Bill Harrington and Peter Rowe will start selling cards promptly at 1:00pm. At times we get multiple winners for a game, your Bingo Leader will give you two numbers to choose from and the higher number winner will get the original prize — there will be smaller prizes for the other multiple winners — this way we can keep our prize values as they have been (which has been really nice). Snacks will be provided at break time! Please sign up on Registration Day.”
Movie Matinee
Wednesday, May 22nd, 12:00 pm (Earlier than usual)
Oppenheimer (Rated R, 3 hours)
This winter, the center played the Barbie half of last summer’s Barbenheimer phenomenon. Now they’re inviting seniors to watch the second part — the Oscar winning biopic about the physicist who led the Manhattan Project, starring Cillian Murphy, Robert Downey Jr., and Emily Blunt.
Watching the movie is free, though registration is required. Attendees can come in early, at 11:30 am, for an optional lunch. (Bring your own or register to purchase a lunch for $6 Suggested Donation, details on page 7)
Adult Coloring & Lunch
Tuesdays, May 21st & June 25th, 12:00pm
The event begins with lunch, followed by coloring while chatting. All supplies will be available or feel free to bring your own ($3 Suggested Donation with lunch included)
Fitness Classes
The center offers the following weekly and semi-weekly classes. Signup is for the two month session (Suggested Donation — $3 per day)
- Stretch Break — Mondays at 10:15 am (except Memorial Day, May 27th)
- Strength Class — Tuesdays & Thursdays at 8:30 am
- Advanced Tai Chi — Tuesdays & Thursdays at 9:45 am
- Chair Yoga — Thursdays at 12:30 pm
- Yoga — Tuesdays at 9:30 am (at Pilgrim Church)
[Note: For Medical Insurance reimbursement, see Pam LeFrancois at the end of your yearly enrollment period to have the form signed.]
Services and Resources
The Senior Center regularly offers free services and resources for Southborough Seniors. This summer, in addition to ongoing weekly/monthly resources, there is one special event.
Fat Daddy’s Produce Bus
Wednesday, May 22nd & Friday, June 21st, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
[Note: These are the details that were covered by a misplaced ad in the newsletter.] Fat Daddy’s Produce Bus, a small family owned “hydroponic farm” that specializes in letruce, herbs, greens, microgreens and mushrooms. Everything is custom grown using no pesticides or chemicals of any kind.
Erik Jewet will also have baked goods. Erik will be parking his bus during the dates and times above selling his produce for wholesale cost. We are very lucky to have Erik come to the Senior Center. We hope you stop by and take advantage of this healthy produce. Farmers Market coupons accepted.
Technology Help
Tuesdays, May 14th & June 18th (one hour time slots)
A local tech services company will answer seniors’ questions about smartphones, e-readers, laptops, tablets, Alexa, zoom and more. Sign up for a time slot (starting at 10:00 am) and bring your device with you. (Details on page 10)
Legal Advice
Wednesdays, May 8th & June 12th, 10:00 – 10:45 am (15 minute sessions)
[Note: These are the details that were covered by a misplaced ad in the newsletter.] “Attorney [Christine] Boutin of Mirick O’Connell is offering free services by phone from 10:00am to 10:45am. Attorney Boutin will talk with interested Southborough seniors to give you free individualized legal advice. If you would like to sign up, please call the senior center at (508) 229-4453 to book a 15-minute advice time slot.
Medical Resources & Clinic
Tuesdays and Fridays 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
For a list of the services they offer (including wellness checks, screenings, nurse assessments, Q&A, and much more), click here. (For the Nurse’s “Healthbeat” overview of “Hospital at home programs”, and info on Podiatry Home Visits, getting Medicare Assistance from SHINE, and revised asset requirements for Medicare Savings Plans/Buy-Ins, see page 3 of the newsletter.)
Interactive Groups and Drop-in Activities
Unlike the above programs the following free social or activity-based groups don’t require pre-registration.
Book Club
Fridays, May 17th & June 21st – 1:00 pm
Dull Men’s Club
Fridays, 10:00 am
Casual social club for senior men. New members are always welcome to drop in. (Read more about the group here.)
Walking Group (Depending on Weather Conditions)
Mondays and Wednesdays, 8:30 am (except for Memorial Day, May 27th, and Juneteenth, June 19th)
Walkers generally go for an hour. The location is a loop, so feel free to join late (or leave early/late). (No fee.)
Mondays are at Trottier Middle School’s (49 Parkerville Road) outdoor track. Wednesdays are at Southborough’s Rural Cemetery (11 Cordaville Road, next to the Senior Center).
[Note: Scroll up to special programs for info on the group brunch planned for May 6th.]
Knitting Club
Mondays, May 6th & 20th and June 3rd & 10th – 1:00pm
Beginners Welcome — Supplies are provided, but knitters are welcome to bring any projects they are working on.
Genealogy Club
Thursdays, May 16th & June 20th, 2:30 – 4:00 pm
The Club welcomes drop-ins by new members interested in learning more about their own family history and genealogy. The group shares their own experiences and helps each other with research. Every month we have unique programs, presenters, and discussions.
Thursday, May 2nd & Monday, May 20th, 1:00 pm
Get together to plant in the Senior Center’s box garden, including early seeds (like lettuce and radishes) and summer plants. Or drop off plants to be planted.
Drop-in Games
- Bridge — Tuesdays at 12:00 pm
- Mah Jongg — Thursdays at 10:00 am
- Canasta (Hand & Foot) — Fridays at 11:15 am
- Billiards — Daily from 8:30 am – 3:00 pm (except for on “large program dates” – see calendar in newsletter)
There is also the potential addition of Bocce on Fridays at 11:00 am, once weather permits, if enough people express interest. (Beginners welcome.) If you are interested, pleas sign up at the front desk or email Carol Yozzo cay0131@verizon.net.
Thanks for Support from Friends of the COA
An insert by the Friends of the Council on Aging thanked those who contributed to their Annual Fund Drive:
In addition to several anonymous donors, we gratefully acknowledge the following business and individuals. Please support these local businesses and thank them for their support of our town’s senior population!
Crystal Clear Cleaning — $300
Falconi Energy and Jim and Rena Falconi — $10,000
Fitzgerald’s General Store — $101
N.A. DiBuono Co. — $50
Omni Services
St. Mary’s Credit Union — $1,000
Ted’s of Fayville — $500
Twinspruces Consulting /Eileen and Larry SambergIndividuals:
Susan Acampora, Mary Ann Anderson, Robert Barnes, Alan Bezanson, Larry Elder, Gerald Feldman, Moyses Kuchnir, Frank McInnis, Lynda and Andrew Miller, George Sasdi, Carol Yozzo, and the many, many anonymous donors!The Friends of the Southborough Council on Aging is a not-for-profit organization that provides vital funds to our town’s Senior Center. Educational, physical, health-related and social gatherings are essential to the wellbeing of everyone, and especially to our seniors.
See pages 1&2 of the newsletter for registration & cancellation details, but here are some of the highlights. As usual, registration doesn’t open until 10:00 am the first morning (Thursday, May 2nd).
In-person registrations are using a form and must include payment.
Phone registration (508-229-4453) can’t be done over voicemail — you must connect with someone live. Payment for programs needs to be made within one week after signing up to avoid being removed from the list.
Because the programs tend to have waitlists, residents are asked to cancel if their plans change. For full refunds, bus trips must be cancelled two weeks in advance and other events one week in advance. [Note: Because this time the bus trip registration is through Southborough Rec, it may be subject to their cancellation policy here.]