Position paper: Timothy Martel

Seat: School Committee – 3 year term

(vote for 2 candidates)

Why I am running for office:

My family has lived on Bantry Road in Southborough since 2008. Currently, I have two children in the Southborough school system, my son at Woodward and my older daughter at Finn, and my younger daughter will start kindergarten in about a year’s time. Since coming to town, I have been active in our town government as a member of the Town Manager Ad Hoc committee and continue to have the privilege of serving as a coach in SYBA. Some of you may also recall my activity on this blog over the years, hopefully fondly. My wife and I set our roots in this town because it is unique in its culture, and in the financial sacrifices it is willing to make for those values it holds dear. My choice to dedicate time to the School Committee is in part a way to give back to this wonderful community.

Why I am the right candidate for the position:

I will be a strong advocate for the schools. I have been, and continue to be, impressed with the dedication of our teachers and administration. I will support our new superintendent in her leadership role as she works on our behalf to provide our children with the best education possible within a nurturing, inclusive environment. I also believe in our commitment to special services and how this gives back to us many-fold.

My priorities/Key issues:

As I was gathering signatures for my candidacy at the Transfer Station, I was asked, “What will you change?” To be clear, I do not seek to make any major changes. I believe in our school system’s vision, and I trust in the leadership of our administration and also the capabilities and dedication of our teachers. Of course, no organization is perfect. Specifically, three areas in which I would work with the other members of the School Committee to make improvements are:

  1. Communication: this should never be a one-way channel. In particular, parents should have the right to not just be heard, but to engage in active discussion of their concerns with the School Committee. And when soliciting feedback, the Committee must be mindful to be inclusive as it defines the scope of its audience.
  2. Collaboration: significant financial challenges face us, and yet we must especially remember those in our community who are most vulnerable to rising taxes. How we will continue to provide high quality services on a cost-conscious budget remains a major question, and it is one that cannot be answered with a “silo” approach. There are potential solutions to large problems, such as aging facilities, that can only proceed in a collaborative manner with other town boards and officials.
  3. Transparency: maintaining the trust of the community is paramount for any town board, and that trust cannot survive a lack of transparency. To the extent practicable and legal, information should be made available to those who need it, in particular the Advisory Committee who acts as an agent of Town Meeting.

Additional Comments:

I will work hard on these issues, with a balanced perspective, and be a strong proponent for our schools and our residents. I hope you will give me this chance to serve our community. Thank you.

To contact me to help support my candidacy:

Email: tmartel72@hotmail.com
Phone: 617-519-9165

(Contributed photo)

[Editor’s Note: If you would like to endorse this candidate, you can comment below. This section is a mud-free, shenanigan-free zone!  So, endorsements must include your name and street name. And no criticisms or questions are to be posted on this page. You can include your reason for endorsement as long as it’s not slinging mud at other candidates.]

2 thoughts on “Position paper: Timothy Martel

  1. I am voting for Tim. I worked with Tim on he Ad Hoc Town Manager committee. We did not agree on every aspect of our work but Tim did his homework and always contributed in a thoughtful and productive way. I also know that Tim is passionate about quality education and improving transparency and communications.

    This will be a great addition to the K-8 School Committee

    Al Hamilton
    Pine Hill Road

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