By all accounts, the Southborough Fire Ball was a huge success. Organizer Rebecca Waterfall tells me the event on Saturday night was attended by 290 people and brought in $95K. Not all of that will go toward the ladder truck since a portion will go toward the event itself, but still, an impressive number.
At the ball, Board of Selectmen Chairman Bill Boland made a surprise announcement that St. Mark’s School planned to donate an additional sum to the ladder truck fund. No word yet on the amount.
You can view a collection of photos from the Fire Ball on the Southborough Fire Department website. Also check out this report by NECN on the Fire Ball.
For more information on the issues surrounding the purchase of a ladder truck, see this series of posts. And if you want to contribute to the ladder truck fund, it’s not too late. You’ll find a donation form on the Southborough Fire Ball website.