Above: I wonder if one of these cows will drop the lucky “pie” at Breakneck Hill Cow Fund’s Family Farm Day this weekend. (Photos by Susan Fitzgerald)
Here’s what’s happening in and around town this weekend.
Friday, October 25, 2013:
- Halloween Party for 12 and Under (7:00 – 8:30 pm) @ Finn School: Games, Arts and Crafts, Face Painting, and Treats. Costumes encouraged. Sponsored by Youth and Family Services. $5 admission or $15 per family.
Saturday, October 26, 2013:
- Special Brush Collection Day (8:00 am – 5:00 pm) @ Transfer Station: You must produce proof of residency and use residential vehicle
- REP Broadway Cabaret Concert (7:00 – 11:00 pm) @ Holiday Inn, Marlborough: River’s Edge Arts Alliance’s Annual Fundraiser/Silent Auction. Tickets are $35 for non-members and $30 for River’s Edge Arts Alliance members and can be ordered at upwitharts.simpletix.com or by calling our office 978-562-1646.
Sunday, October 27, 2013:
- AVRTHS’ Annual Ski and Snowboard Sale (10:00 am – 2:00 pm) @ Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School: Sale of both new and used clothing and equipment for downhill, cross country, and snowboarding. This event is sponsored by the AV Sliders club at Assabet Valley, and all proceeds go to the club’s transportation fund. Cash or checks only, no credit cards accepted.
- Family Farm Day (11:00 am) @ Breakneck Hill Conservation Land: Fundraiser for the Breakneck Hill Cow Fund. Walk the trails, hear about the history of the land, and play the Cow Pie Contest. $20/square can win $200.
- The annual Southborough Firefighter Association’s Halloween Parade (4:00 pm): Line up across from Mauro’s Market and march up East Main Street to the Fire Station.