Above: Schoolhouse Rock is on for an early performance today. And SEMA reminds that as more snow comes in, keep clearing those hydrants. This one would probably get a C from the agency. The Fire Department recently asked people to clear 3-4 ft around hydrants, as fires double in size every minute.(Right photo by Beth Melo)
School isn’t cancelled today. I know it’s Sunday. But that is important for the cast and audience of Schoolhouse Rock Live! Jr. at Trottier today.
The performance has been moved up two hours to noon today. And according to Neary’s Facebook post, there are still seats available.
The National Weather Service forecasts that our lull in the snow should last until around 3:00 pm this afternoon.
NWS released an updated snowfall projection based on data this morning.
The agency is calling for another 1-2″ today, 4-8″ tonight, 4-8″ tomorrow, and 3-5″ tomorrow night in Southborough. (My math puts that at 12-23″.)
NWS maps us in the area expected to reach 18-24″ of snow through Tuesday morning. (That does include snow we got overnight through this morning.)
The map averages Worcester at 19.5″. (Click thumbnail to enlarge).
According to Southborough Emergency Management, the current lull is just between “systems” coming through. Their projection has us at about 11-18″ for the weekend.
Here’s yesterday’s announcement from SEMA
- Long duration & heavy at times
- The first system will come through Saturday evening with 1 – 2 inches
- The second system comes through Sunday day with 2 – 4 inches
- The third system comes through Sunday night through late Monday with 8-12 inches
- When all is said and done by the wee hours of Tuesday we could be looking at a total accumulation of 12-16″ with pockets of 20 inches of new snow on; top of the 50+ we already have on the ground.
- Should be light this time around, with minimal blowing & drifting
- Saturday – Monday night: Teens and Twenties
- Thursday – Watching for temperatures to drop below zero rapidly and maintaining for several days (more as we get closer). This could have the potential for some serious issues.
As has been the saying with each storm: Please Shovel Hydrants, All doorways (egress/exits) and Exterior vents
Adding to this now will be the potential for snow load impacts on roofs & structures (especially flat roofs). While all the snow we have received and are looking forward to has been light, the amount coupled with the two days of above freezing temperatures it is becoming a concern. SEMA recommends hiring a professional to clear your roof. However, if someone chooses to do it themselves please be safe and ALWAYS have person watching and able to immediately call 9-1-1 if needed.