A liaison for the local Muslim community is reaching out to Southborough residents. She hopes to hold a public conversation with residents about Islam.
The event will be a held at the Southborough Libary on June 1st from 7:00 – 8:30 pm.
The presentation and discussion will be led by Shaheen Akhtar from The Islamic Center of Boston, Wayland.
These events would be more meaningful if contrary opinions were encouraged. A discussion of the negatives that Islam displays must have a place too. Otherwise, it’s just propaganda.
Neil, if you attend the meeting, you may find out that the “negatives of Islam” are misrepresentations or distortions. At very least, you may learn how and why Islamic values are put into practice.
How do you know that this “conversation” won’t include some of the negative too? You could always go and ask some questions.
The assumption you made and the negative way you came at the event is why it takes brave people to start any public conversation. How about restating your comment like this…
“I’m glad to see this topic come up in Southborough given our growing diversity of faiths and population. I plan to attend this event so I can learn more about the topic. Hopefully it will communicate the good and the bad since Islam seems to be getting a lot of bad press these days and might be misunderstood by many even those who practice the faith.”
Neil, I hope you will attend this event as I think you might learn something! It sounds like you are judging an entire religion by the actions of very bad people who happen to be Muslim.