Above: Some of the birds you might see tomorrow morning at Breakneck Hill. (image cropped from contributed photos of Birds of Breakneck by Dawn Vesey; click on image below right for a better look and more pics)
I know it’s a last minute invite – but the community is invited to join a free Bird Walk tomorrow morning – Wednesday, May 22nd.

The walk will be led by MassAudubon’s Jeff Collins. Collins has led several past bird walks for groups in town.
This walk is sponsored by the Stewardship Committee and will take place on Breakneck Hill Conservation Land. Given Collins’ bio, it seems a natural fit:
Jeff Collins is Director of Mass Audubon’s Conservation Science department which includes our statewide bird conservation program, habitat management planning for our wildlife sanctuaries, the Salt Marsh Science program, and Ecological Extension Service. He holds a master’s degree in botany from the University of Vermont Field Naturalist Program.
Jeff is an enthusiastic birder and applies a landscape ecology perspective during our journeys, exploring the relationships of bedrock, soil, water, plants, animals, and human land use all while sharing his enthusiasm for the natural beauty of each destination.
He has traveled extensively, birding and botanizing throughout North America; exploring Southern Africa while a Peace Corps volunteer in Zimbabwe; visiting birding hot spots in Bolivia, Peru, Costa Rica, and Nepal; and leading tours to Namibia, Belize, Honduras, Trinidad and Tobago, Panama, and Mexico’s Baja Peninsula.
Obviously, the group believes in the “early bird” bit, since the walk is scheduled for 7:00 am.
Particiants should meet up at the Trailhead Parking Lot on Breakneck Hill Road. If lot is full, you can park at Community Gardens Lot and walk over.
Walkers are asked to dress appropriately to avoid ticks. And, you’ll obviously want to wear good walking shoes. Plus, since the focus is birding, you might want to bring along binoculars or a camera.
Participants will also take a look at native plants along the way.