This Saturday, the Southborough Library is holding a follow up to the Poetry Writing Seminar it held this winter. The spring seminar is open to all. But it comes with required advance homework that I didn’t realize when I included it in Monday’s events highlight for the week:
The group will read and discuss poems by Emily Dickinson with a focus on poetic and rhetorical moves which will be applied to attendees own work. Join us on the main floor of the Southborough Library having read the materials ahead of our meeting and we will delve into the work of one of the greatest poets together!

Fortunately, it’s not too late to do your homework. There are just 3 required poems listed as required reading and they are all available online:
The event will again be led by Heather McPherson, who also reads the poetry writing group that meets regularly at the Library.
It will take place Saturday, May 25th at 10:30 am on the main floor. Make sure to bring your writing journal and something to write with.