Above: This summer, the Southborough Library is celebrating the theme “A Universe of Stories” this summer with reading challenges, entertainers, and special programs.
It’s the first full day of summer vacation. Sadly it’s forecast to be too dreary/wet for pools and playgrounds.
If your kids are already bouncing off the walls and you’re looking for things to do, look no further than the Southborough Library. (Although, this summer’s program will ask the kids to look further.)
The Library officially launched its Summer Reading program yesterday.
The theme is “A Universe of Stories”. That doesn’t mean that Southborough kids have to read every story in the universe. But Children’s Librarian Kim Ivers is challenging them to help the Children’s room reach 6,000 books this summer.
All summer long
To encourage regular visits by kids to check out more summer reading books, there are lots of ongoing space themed activities.
Kids can take advantage of Night Sky Journal kits that come with instructions on making a telescope at home and a journal to write about (and/or draw) what they see in the sky at night. (The library also has two telescopes available for checkout at the upstairs circulation desk. You can find info on that here.)
Outer Space Photo Booth: For silly fun, kids can ham it up and pose for photos with alien glasses.
Reading Logs: Kids can either color in a book picture for every book read or write down the title on the reading logs. (Kids who can’t read on their own yet can also participate with books that are read to them). Library staff will track books read by a display on the door showing the Earth revolving around the sun. For every 100 books reported as read, the Earth will be moved. It will take 1,000 books for a full revolution, and Ivers is asking kids to help circle the sun six times.
Traveling Ducks: As always, new themed rubber ducks have been added to the Library’s popular collection. Ducks can be checked out (one per family) for 2 weeks to take on vacation or hang out with at home. There are sheets for kids to share and illustrate the family fun the duck took part in or where they went. Sheets are compiled in a binder/picture book to let everyone to see what the ducks have been up to throughout the summer.
Weekly-changing challenges and raffle drawings will give kids opportunities to earn/win prizes and reasons to come back every week.
Special events
As usual, the library will also offer special programs, drop-in activities, and story times to draw in crowds over the summer.
There are also a few crafternoon programs for older kids that require pre-registration. I’ll be posting about those separately. The following programs don’t have limits or pre-registration requirements. So, open your calendar app to save some dates.
Entertainers this year include a few new ones along with some returning hits. (These are open to all ages – unless otherwise specified.) :
Mike the Bubble Man: Thursday, June 27 (11:00 am) Through music, choreography, and comedy, bubbles—in all different shapes and sizes—come alive, sparking imagination and wonder. (sponsored by Fay School)
- ScienceTellers “Aliens Escape from Earth!”: Wednesday, July 10 (4:00 pm) The Sciencetellers return, combining storytelling and science experiments in the tale of two kids trying to rescue aliens. (sponsored by Fay School)
- Rainforest Reptiles: Tuesday, July 16 (3:00 pm) Rainforest Reptiles will return to show how “Reptiles Rock!” Enjoy this fun and informative event.
- Little Puppet Show: Tuesday, July 23 (3:00 pm): Join us at the library when Mr. Vinny returns with lots of laughs. (sponsored by the Friends of the Southborough Library)
Henna Tattoos: Thursday, July 25, 2019 (5:00 – 7:00 pm): Recommended for Ages 8 & Up. Patrons can pick existing patterns or create their own hand designs to pencil onto their skin. Weather permitting, this will be held outside. (sponsored by the Friends of the Southborough Library)
- Howl At The Moon With A Wild Thing Tune!: Tuesday, July 30 (4:00 pm) Join musician Tom Sieling for a fun event singing together. (sponsored by the Friends of the Southborough Library)
- Rock-It to The Library Family Concert: Thursday, August 1 (11:00 am) Musician Steve Blunt returns for a family sing-along. (sponsored by the Friends of the Southborough Library)
Comedy Magic Show: Thursday, August 15 (3:00 pm) Last summer Ed Popielarczyk cracked kids up over his “flea circus”. This year, its back to his roots with some a Comedy Magic show which will keep the whole family entertained. (sponsored by the Friends of the Southborough Library)
“Fourth of July Parade” – July 2nd
The Town’s only celebration of Independence Day is the Children’s Library’s annual parade. Since the Library isn’t open for the federal holiday, it’s always held a couple of days early. This year, that’s Tuesday, July 2nd at 11:00 am. Children and their parents or caregivers are invited to march in the parade from the Library to and through the Town House where they can count on encouraging parade watchers to cheer them on. Kids are lent red, white and blue gear to sport or wave and march along to patriotic music. The celebration is capped of by refreshments back at the Library. (The event is sponsored by the Friends of the Southborough Library.)
Drop in programs this summer:
These events each run from 10:30 am – 5:00 pm. (Kids must be accompanied by an adult or caregiver.)
- Thursday, June 20 – Legos (Eaton Meeting Room)
- Tuesday, July 9 – Art/Crafts (Children’s Room)
- Thursday, July 18 – Legos (Eaton Meeting Room)
- Wednesday, July 24 – Legos (Eaton Meeting Room)
- Tuesday, August 6 – Science Fun (Children’s Room)
- Tuesday, August 13 – Art/Crafts (Children’s Room)
Story Times:
This year, with two exceptions, story times will be held earlier and without pajamas. Bring a blanket and snacks, and listen to stories outside on the lawn. (In cases of rain, the story times will be held in the Children’s Room.)
Outdoor Story Time: Wednesday, June 19, 4 – 4:45pm
- Outdoor Story Time: Wednesday, June 26, 4 – 4:45pm
- Outdoor Story Time: Wednesday, July 3, 4 – 4:45pm
- Pajama Story Time: Thursday, Jul 11, 7 – 7:45pm
- Outdoor Story Time: Wednesday, July 17, 4 – 4:45pm
- Pajama Story Time: Thursday, Jul 25, 7 – 7:45pm
- Outdoor Storytime: Wednesday, July 31, 4 – 4:45pm
- Outdoor Story Time: Thursday, Aug 8, 4 – 4:45pm
- Outdoor Story Time: Wednesday, Aug 14, 4 – 4:45pm
Family Puzzle Club – It’s not included in the Summer Reading Program, but a special session of the Puzzle Club this week welcomes families. The Library has been holding an occasional Friday morning gathering with Wentworth puzzles. (The event is sponsored by the Friends of the Southborough Library.) (You can read more about that here.)
- Crafternoons – As I previously mentioned, there are Crafternoons for older kids that will require pre-registration. The ones that aren’t full are scheduled for August. Stay tuned for a later post with more details.
Updated (6/23/19 2:38 pm): The August 1st concert had the wrong time listed. The Rock-It to The Library Family Concert will be at 11:00 am on Thursday, August 1st.