Above: You don’t have to join a club to enjoy a game of tennis (or pickleball) this summer in Southborough. (Photo of Richardson Courts contributed by Town in 2016)
I just saw a notice for a free program for seniors. It reminded me that I’m overdue in announcing the return of another program for adults.
As always, Southborough Recreation’s courts at Neary and Finn Schools are open to residents of all ages and skills for recreational use when they aren’t reserved.* (Because the Town wasn’t able to secure an instructor for kids’ tennis lessons, there are even more open hours this summer than usual.)

When the Richardson tennis courts at Neary were resurfaced a few years ago, boundary lines were designed to also encourage pickleball play. For seniors who prefer that sport to tennis, Southborough Recreation is again offering a drop-in program:
Pickle Ball for Seniors FREE
Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 11 a.m. at the Neary Courts. Free. Please bring a paddle. Limited paddles available.
For advanced adult tennis players, Fay School has again opened courts for drop-in doubles nights, starting last week. So, if you’re itching for a competitive match – grab your racket, balls and a water bottle, and head out to Fay on Monday nights:
Monday Night Mixed Doubles Round Robin
Date: Mondays beginning June 4th
Time: 5:30 pm to dusk
Location: Fay School Courts
Coordinator: Robin Logan and Pat Richardson
Join us every Monday evening for a casual drop in Round Robin. This is for Advanced level tennis players and above. There is no fee but you are required to bring four cans of new tennis balls the first night you play.
You will be playing fun and competitive matches and enjoy a great workout and meet new friends!!!
No registration required.
Fay School’s website lists their Harlow Tennis Courts as at 31 Main Street, directly behind the parking lot at Fay’s Office of Advancement and clearly visible from the lot.
If you aren’t advanced yet, head over to Finn or Neary with a friend to work on your backhand.
If you have questions about any of the Town’s tennis/pickle options, you can call the Rec Dept at 508-229-4452.
*Town owned courts are open to any residents for free recreational use (not classes) when they aren’t in use by a town team or Rec class/program.