Historical Society’s Heritage events: Classic Cars, Fancy Flea, and “Southborough Through Time”

Above: At Heritage Day  2017, SHS showed off some of its collections in the Historical Museum. This year’s activities include selling off some duplicates from the collection and inviting the public to enjoy a new museum exhibit. (photo by Beth Melo)

Last month, I shared news on the Southborough Historical Society’s plans to hold a Fancy Flea at Heritage Day featuring vintage and antique items, along with crafts.

As I noted, it is part of SHS’ continued effort to put the “heritage” back in Heritage Day. What I didn’t realize is that they were partnering it with two other heritage themed events.

The Fancy Flea will take place inside the Fellowship Hall of Pilgrim Church. That’s just up the hill from the Heritage Day field.* It’s entrance is also conveniently right across from the Southborough Historical Museum where they will be holding a special Open House featuring a new exhibit. And between the two doorways is the parking lot where SHS will host an Antique Car Show.

Here are all of the details from a notice SHS posted to members:

Just a reminder that we’ll be hosting a whole series of fun events on Heritage Day Monday, October 14th.

Fancy Flea from 9-3 at the Pilgrim Church Hall!

Come hunt down your own private treasure from items donated to the Southborough Historical Society! We’ve received hundreds of fascinating objects, from lovely lamps to rare kitchen items, Limoge plates, Robert Shaw prints, you name it, and priced to move. . .

Plus the museum will be selling rare duplicates from our Deerfoot Farms collections, not to mention we’ll have numerous private vendors on hand selling their own vintage and antique items!

Classic Car Shown from 10-3 American Muscle vs British Brawn

images cropped from SHS Antique Car Show promoIn a Heritage Day first, we’ve organized 10 or so proud owners of classic British and American automobiles. After participating in the parade, these automotive gems will be parked outside the museum for viewing. It’s the battle of the Brits vs the Americans! Who will win?

Museum Open House 10-3 and New Exhibit: Southborough Through Time

The museum will be open showcasing its new exhibit: Southborough Through Time. Follow the changes of Southborough from 1830-1964 in a serious of spectacular maps.

*Note: To make the most of your trip up the hill – head up Common Street. Along the way you’ll also be able to view some of the remaining carved gourds from the Pumpkin Stroll the day prior.

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Philip Robbins
5 years ago

I never saw a request for owners of classic cars to take part in the car show. Who is in charge of that?

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