Select Board Hearing to revise Water regs — Tuesday

The proposal is to shift responsibility for water service pipes from Town to property owners

On Tuesday, the Select Board will hold a hearing on revising water regulations. According to a memo from Public Works, there is one outdated clause that is costing the Town too much money.

The recommendation by DPW Superintendent Bill Cundiff is to replace language that currently makes the Water Department responsible for service pipes leading to the meter if they are 1″ in diameter or less. (Pipes to meters for residential homes are generally 5/8″ or 3/4″.)

New language would make customers/property owners responsible for maintaining service lines between the curb stop and the meter. Cundiff’s memo to the Select Board asking for the change states, “the water department should not be digging up private property”.

The memo explains:

The logic associated with this revision pertains largely to liability (as well as cost) associated with work on private property for water service lines that were installed by private builders (unlike water mains installed by the Water Department). Over the years, we have identified many issues with service line construction ranging from less than ideal locations (ie. Under walls, driveways, walkways, decks, interior cabinets or finished basements, etc) as well as poor construction quality (backfill containing boulders over pipe, different pipe materials, etc.). Leaking service lines have cost the water department tens of thousands of dollars in the past and sometimes result in lingering customer dissatisfaction with the quality of restoration (ie. Walkways, driveways, decks, cabinets, etc.). On occasion, an insurance claim will be filed. 

The hearing will take place during the Select Board’s next scheduled meeting, Tuesday, July 16th at 6:30 pm in the Town House Hearing Room and over zoom. 

Cundiff also notes that he intends to revamp the rules and regs adopted in 1987 “in their entirety” during this fiscal year. But, only this revision was considered pressing enough to be “revised forthwith”.

You can read the memo and hearing notice with the specific language, along with the attached full rules & regs, here.

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Mike Pojani
3 months ago

Just great another town service being eliminated for the taxpaying residents. This has always been part of the service of having town water for residents now you going to abolish that service as well! Oh yes and now going to raise the property tax for residents down the road. What’s. next???

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