Position paper: Kathleen Harragan

Seat: School Committee – 3 year term

(vote for 2 candidates)

Why I am running for office:

To continue to provide an excellent educational experience for all of southborough’s children while being mindful and respectful of the town’s fiscal constraints.

Why I am the right candidate for the position:

This will be my third term serving the schools of southborough. The first three years I spent learning and gaining knowledge of the complexities of mass general law and state mandates. The last three years I spent (2 as chair) serving on the many subcommittee that crafted our 10 year strategic plan, selected a new superintendent, and tackled controversial topics like closing a school or asking for a parental partnership for the 1:1 iPad project. We have laid the groundwork for many exciting new initiatives for the schools and I would appreciate the opportunity to spend the next 3 years implementing the plans for these many new initiatives.

My priorities/Key issues:

Establishing a collaborative relationship with a new school administration and town administrator; implementing the key initiatives in our updated strategic plan in the areas of communication, technology, special education and curriculum; and carefully monitoring our enrollment projections and building requirements.

To contact me to help support my candidacy:

Phone: 508-480-9788

(Editor’s Note: If you tried the email originally posted and didn’t hear back, Ms. Harragan informs me she has been having trouble with her email. So, please give her a call.)

[Editor’s Note: If you would like to endorse this candidate, you can comment below. This section is a mud-free, shenanigan-free zone!  So, endorsements must include your name and street name. And no criticisms or questions are to be posted on this page. You can include your reason for endorsement as long as it’s not slinging mud at other candidates.]

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