It’s blogcation time!

I hope it’s obvious that I love writing this blog, because I really do. But every once in a while we all need a break, even from the things we enjoy. So it is that for the next two weeks I’ll be taking mine. It’s my annual blogcation.

The break from daily posting is a chance for me to recharge, as well as to cook up ideas for new content that will keep you interested and engaged. (Got ideas for great content? Let me know!) I have some fun posts queued up and ready to publish during my break, so be sure to check back, but overall you can expect my posting frequency to be on the lighter side.

I look forward to being back with you, and back to my normal posting schedule, again on Monday, August 1. Until then, happy summer!

(Adorable photo posted to Flickr by tom@hk | 湯米tomhk)

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Pat D
13 years ago

You deserve your ‘blogcation’! Enjoy your time off and we’ll look forward to your return on August 1. And thank you for all the time you spend keeping everyone up to date on Southborough news and events.

13 years ago

Enjoy your vacation Susan!

13 years ago

We really do appreciate all that you do! Thanks and enjoy your time!

13 years ago

Enjoy your time off! And thank you for keeping the community up on local news and issues…

I'm just sayin'....
13 years ago


12 years ago

Enjoy your well deserved vacation, and we look forward to having you back. The blog is tremendous!

Mom of two
12 years ago

Agreed – you deserve it!

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