Above: The puppet show at the library is the only special event on the blog calendar this week.
(Photo from Rosalita’s Puppets’ website)
If you are looking for my “Events this week” post, this is it!
Aside from church services (look for that post later today), the Southborough Library is holding the only special event I know about in town this week:
“The Space Show” by Rosalita’s Puppets
Friday, December 27, 2013 at 11:00 – 11:45 am
A marionette show for all ages. No registration necessary. (Sponsored by Fay School.)
The puppeteer’s website describes:
Boldly go where no puppet has gone before as Rosalita travels by space ship to a planet inhabited by Robots.
This show has proved very popular with all ages. From the very young up to 12 years. Adults enjoy some of the references to popular culture space tv shows.
I’ll also take this opportunity to share the library’s Christmas wish list. (My posting’s a bit last minute. But I’m sure they won’t mind if your contribution comes after the holiday.)
If you are thinking about making a donation to your favorite library, here are some items we are always in need of:
- paper for printers and copy machine
- gift cards to Barnes & Noble or Amazon, to allow us to purchase e-books
- Ziplock Bags in any size: snack, sandwich, quart, and gallon
- Purell Hand Sanitizer
- Craft Items – glue sticks, construction paper, stickers
- String – balls of twine
- Clorox Wipes
- Tissues
- Band-Aids