An Apple for the Teacher

This is the time of year you often hear parents asking each other, “What are you giving the teachers”?

Southborough Education Foundation is hoping your answer will be “An apple”.

The SEF is holding it’s semi-annual fundraising drive: Red Apple Awards.

A Red Apple donation to SEF can be made in the name of any teacher or staff member of the Southborough public schools or Algonquin Regional High School.

Money raised is used to fund grants for special school programs and resources:

A terrific way to support your children’s education and recognize their teachers’ great work this holiday season is through the SEF’s Red Apple fundraiser. This is a tax deductible contribution that supports our schools and meets the teacher gift‐giving provisions of the State Ethics Commission. 

SEF Red Apple FlyerEach recipient of a Red Apple Award receives a certificate that includes your child’s name; you’ll also receive an email with a “Red Apple Beastie” created by Mr. LaChance that your child can personalize and present to their teacher.

In addition to that unique “thank you”, that staff member knows that you’ve made an investment in their hard work by funding innovative education programs in the schools.

Your contribution can honor more than one teacher or staff member. Use the Red Apple Award to show your appreciation for the teachers and staff that make such a difference in your children’s education.

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To learn more about SEF and their work, you can click here for the community organization profile on the blog or, visit their website.


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