Above: The Scouting for Food collection takes place tomorrow morning, Saturday, November 7th. (Photo by Susan Fitzgerald)
This Saturday morning, town scouts will be scouring the town for contribution to the annual Scouting for Food drive.
(As a scout mom, I’m compelled to nag – Drivers, please make sure to keep an eye out for them on the side of the road!)
Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts will be running around making pickups starting at 9:00 am tomorrow. So don’t forget to put your bags/boxes out by the mailbox.
(Of course, when scouts make it to your house depends on your route and scout’s schedule. So don’t fret if it doesn’t get picked up right away.)
If you miss the 9am deadline, you can always run your contributions over to Pilgrim Church later that morning. Scouts should be busy sorting and organizing contributions there through at least noon.
And the Southborough Food Pantry accepts donations year round. Click here to learn more about how to support them anytime.
But, this drive is their biggest annual collection and important to the pantry and scouts. So, try to put something out if you can. (And the more, definitely the merrier. Click here to see photos of the impact a successful drive makes.)
In case you lost the flyer with donation suggestions that should have been hung from your mailbox last week, I’ve included it here. (Click to enlarge.)