Above: ARHS Class of 2016 enjoyed posing with friends, family and/or their “traditional” post graduation cigars Sunday afternoon. Check out more pics posted to Instagram at Algonquin Regional High School.
Over the past week, St. Mark’s, Assabet, and Algonquin held their graduation ceremonies for the class of 2016.
On Sunday, 364 seniors graduated from Algonquin Regional High School. (I’m still waiting on a list of Southborough grads from the school. For the full list of names from both towns, click here.)
Two students were named this year’s valedictorians: Gabrielle Russo and Riley Casey. According to the school paper, the tie was a school first. The Harbinger posted that the girls had the same GPA, “allowing no way to distinguish them numerically.” (You can read more about them here.)
Southborough Wicked Local covered ARHS’ ceremony. Highlights included a rendition of the Friends theme song by Class Essayist Daniel Fier, quotes from his speech, and commencement addresses by faculty members Nicole Ruffo and Cameron Martin.
The story also shared that most grads took part in the tradition of a post ceremony cigar. (When did that tradition start?) You can read the SWL article here.
The previous day, Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School held its ceremony. The class of 2016 included three Southborough seniors:
Joseph DeChellis (Computer Programming and Web Development)
- Joseph Dupuis (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration)
- Luis Hernandez (Plumbing)
You can look for pictures from that ceremony here.
St. Mark’s School held its “Prize Day” celebrations on Memorial Day:
On Monday, May 30, 95 St. Markers received diplomas at the School’s 151st Prize Day, under the tent on Belmont Field. SM alumna Christina Lynch Bobrow ‘90 was the Prize Day speaker, while Harry Watt ‘16 delivered the Valedictory address
It was an outdoor ceremony, thankfully under a tent. A look at the photos shows that rain dampened their day but not their spirits. You can read more here and check out the official album here.
Congratulations and good luck to all the grads!
Updated (6/10/16 9:13 am): Fixed a major typo. Algonquin graduated 364 students. Originally, I accidentally doubled the ARHS class list (minus one) when I did my count!
*Updated 6/16/16 11:55 am): I had misread Southborough Wicked Local’s reporting that they sang the Friends them to cheers as “they sang the theme to Cheers”!