Opening Reception for Art on the Trails – Wednesday evening

Above: Join local artists like Lisa Barthleson and Gregory-Barry on a guided walk to hear about their art, newly installed at the Beals Preserve (images from

It looks like the rain will let up by tomorrow afternoon. That’s good news for those of you who’d like to view Southborough’s newest art exhibit.

Tomorrow night is the Opening Reception for Art on the Trails, “Finding Solace in the Woods”.

The juried exhibit was installed over the weekend on trails in the Beals Preserve. On Wednesday, June 7, at 6:00 pm, Southborough Open Land Foundation is holding a celebration, which includes talks by the artists. The guided walk will include refreshments along the trail.

Poets planning to heed SOLF’s call for related poems won’t want to miss this opportunity. (And if you missed that news, click here for those details.)

But don’t sweat it if you can’t make the ceremony. It certainly won’t be your last chance to enjoy the exhibit. The art will remain on the trails through September 24th.

In fact, more art will hopefully be added – and it could be yours. While the juried exhibit deadline passed, beginning this Friday, SOLF is welcoming art contributions from the public – of all ages and talent. (There are some rules, especially since this is a “Leave No Trace” exhibit. Click here to learn more.)

Now, here are the details for tomorrow night’s reception: 

We are excited for our upcoming opening of Art on the Trails: Finding Solace in the Woods, which is scheduled for this Wednesday, June 7, from 6-8 pm.

Now that all of art has been installed, it’s time to hear from the artists on a walk in the woods. We will have refreshments along the way.

The event agenda is as follows:

Art on Trails reception map_June 2017
(click to enlarge)
6- 6:15 Reception and gathering
6:15 Welcome, introductions, thank yous
6:25 Juror Introduction
6:40 Begin the walk in number order based on map (attached), artists will talk briefly about their work
7:15 Stop for refreshments at # 9
Continue on and stop at #9 again for more refreshments for going back to the kiosk.

The [map right] shows the route and location of each of the installations.

We encourage the community including aspiring artists, poets and art lovers, to join our walk.

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