Above: NSPAC is hosting a talk with a local author and mother who will share what she has learned from parenting an emotionally complex kid.
As I posted last month, NSPAC is holding a series of talks for parents this year. Next up is “A Conversation with Deborah Vlock”.
The Northborough/Southborough Special Education Advisory Committee summed up:

Meet Deborah Vlock, author of “Parenting Children with Mental Health Challenges: A Guide to Life with Emotionally Complex Kids.” Deborah offers overwhelmed readers guidance, solidarity, and hope. The author, a “mental-health mom” who’s survived indignity, exhaustion, and the heartbreak of loving a child with multiple mental-health disorders, writes with frankness and occasional humor about the hardest parenting job on earth. Drawing on her own experiences and those of other parents, plus tips from mental health professionals, Vlock suggests ways of parenting smarter, partnering better, and living more fully and less fearfully in the shadow of childhood psychiatric illness.
The talk will take place next Wednesday, February 6 from 7:00 – 8:00 pm at the Northborough Library, 34 Main St.
Vlock is a Northborough resident. You can find here on Facebook here. And you can get a “look inside” her book on amazon here. (But for buying books – copies will be available at the event. Or check out the flyer above right for discounted ordering instructions.)
For parents that struggle with children’s mental health issues, the author makes clear that she can’t give you”:
Guarantees or warrantees of any kind. Because mental illness doesn’t work like that.
Lists of things to do that will solve all your problems (see above)
Anything whatsoever that pretends to be one size fits all
Among the many things that she offers to give you in her book (so perhaps also in her talk):
Proof that you are not trudging these pathways alone, even if it feels that way. . .
Suggested strategies for supporting your struggling kid(s), your family, and yes – you. . .
Loads of practical resources—on the web, in the community, at home, and out in the world—to help you do what you do every day, only with less stress and better outcomes
Instruction in the art and science of self-forgiveness
Empathy, humor, and an honest reckoning of how hard your parenting job has turned out to be
Permission to celebrate your kids just as they are, on their best days and their worst
The talk is one of several NSPAC events scheduled for this school year. Here’s what else is coming up:
Wednesday, February 13, 10:00 am (Location TBD):
NSPAC Meeting.* Featuring a Secondary Transition Presentation by Monique Cloutier, Transition Coordinator, Algonquin Regional High School
Saturday, March 2:
Decoding Dyslexia – MA Executive Director and Co-founder, Nancy Duggan, will present on Reading Goals. Northborough Library, 34 Main St., 10 am – 12 pm. Decoding Dyslexia-Massachusetts is part of a nationwide network that works to inform families accurately regarding evidence based interventions proven to help dyslexic students learn to read, raise awareness of policies and legislation that effect dyslexic students, create an informed network of families working to improve literacy and education for students with dyslexia. Most recently, Nancy’s dedication, drive and knowledge helped to pass the first legislature in Massachusetts for early screening for dyslexia.
Wednesday, March 13:
Basic Rights Presentation by Jessica Sales Cohen from the Federation for Children with Special Needs. (Robert E. Melican Middle School, 145 Lincoln St., Northborough), 6-8 pm.
Wednesday, April 10, 10:00 am, Southborough Library:
NSPAC Meeting*
Thursday, May 16:
Go the Distance Recognition Night. Algonquin Regional High School Cafeteria. 6 – 7:30 pm
Wednesday, June 12, 10:00 am, Southborough Library:
Board Officers Election*
To learn more about NSPAC, click here.
*The morning sessions are open meetings and all are welcome to attend. However, you are asked to please use the proper channels to discuss any individual IEP or 504 concerns.