Above: NSPAC is holding a special workshop focused on reading. New information out makes clear that its special education focus is broader than just children with dyslexia.
(photo of reading in the classroom cropped from image posted to flickr by US Department of Education)
NSPAC has been busy bringing important programs to parents this year – and the group isn’t done. I’ve previously shared their list of upcoming events. But I learned this week that one of them has a broader focus than I originally thought.
The March 2nd presentation is something parents of children with dyslexia will want to note. But it is also intended for parents of children with other learning disabilities.
My original schedule just listed the presenter. New press and promo materials make the broader topic clear: “Reading Goals Workshop – A Clear and Structured Process for Effective Reading Goals”.
Reading is complex and effective instruction is urgent for those with a disability like dyslexia or other learning challenges. . .
You will learn what you need to know about the science of reading, understand how to apply the correct data for making Individualized Education Program (IEP) decisions, know if the instruction your child is receiving is targeting the needs of your child, and know if your child’s instruction is meeting the standards of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) law. Parents are encouraged to bring copies of student evaluations and IEPs.
A flyer notes that reading science topics addressed will include decoding, evidence-based interventions, fluency, and comprehension.
The workshop is scheduled for Saturday, March 2 at 10:00 am at Northborough Library, 34 Main Street.
The event is co-sponsored by the Northborough-Southborough, Shrewsbury and Westborough Special Education Parent Advisory Councils. That means there may be a lot of attendees, so RSVPs are encouraged. Please email NSPAC at nspac1@gmail.com.
The workshop will be run by Nancy Duggan, the Executive Director of Decoding Dyslexia – Massachusetts:
Nancy Duggan recently was honored and received the 2018 Alice H. Garside Award for her dedicated, inspiring, and effective grassroots leadership in support of struggling readers. She is a school counseling professional, Orton-Gillingham reading therapist, and educational consultant and has provided professional development in reading, dyslexia and learning disabilities for public and private schools and departments of education in many states.
And a previous announcement shared:
Most recently, Nancy’s dedication, drive and knowledge helped to pass the first legislature in Massachusetts for early screening for dyslexia.
You can find out more about her organization here.
The remainder of NSPAC’s spring schedule covers annual meeting topics and events – a “Basic Rights” presentation, “Go the Distance” awards night, and the board election:
Wednesday, March 13:
Basic Rights Presentation by Jessica Sales Cohen from the Federation for Children with Special Needs. (Robert E. Melican Middle School, 145 Lincoln St., Northborough), 6-8 pm.
Wednesday, April 10, 10:00 am, Southborough Library:
NSPAC Meeting* (An informal social/support group will meet after the meeting as time allows.)
Thursday, May 16:
Go the Distance Recognition Night. Algonquin Regional High School Cafeteria. 6 – 7:30 pm
Wednesday, June 12, 10:00 am, Southborough Library:
Board Officers Election* (An informal social/support group will meet after the meeting as time allows.)
For more information on NSPAC, click here.
*These morning sessions are open meetings and all are welcome to attend. However, you are asked to please use the proper channels to discuss any individual IEP or 504 concerns.