I recently shared this news. But many of you may have been too busy preparing to spring out of town over school break to see it. So, I’m posting a reminder. (And in doing so, noticing that my last headline had the wrong date – though the story and image shared the right one.)
The 13th annual 5K for Southborough based The New England Center for Children is coming up in a few weeks on Saturday, May 11th.
Every year, runners and walkers, including many from Southborough, take part to raise awareness and funds for NECC’s autism research and education.
NECC promotes:
The 5K Walk/Run for Autism is a key event in NECC’s fundraising program. All money raised from this event goes to the Annual Fund, which allows us to improve the quality of life for all our students with autism. With your help, we can continue to promote independence for all our students, share our expertise with the greater autism community, and train more teachers.
The early bird registration rate of $30 is good through the end of April. (Click here to register.)
A new bonus was added this year:
Make a self-donation* of $20 or more, above and beyond your registration, and you will be entered into a monthly drawing. Prizes include family 4-packs to local area attractions, NECC gear and more! CLICK HERE for more information.
If you’re not up to doing the 5K, you can still mark the date to give your support in person. In a past year, NECC encouraged:
Not a runner? That’s okay too – you will be in good company with the many walkers, and we encourage you to stay for the post-race cookout with excellent food, live entertainment and plenty of booth vendors!
And while they’d love to see you there – you don’t even need to step outside to support the fundraiser. You can also help by sponsoring one of the runners or walkers already registered or donating directly to the event (click here).
For those of you who are planning to participate, below are more details.

The day’s activities are based at Neary School with the course looping around the Parkerville and Deerfoot Road area. The schedule is:
8:30-10:00 a.m. / On site registration/packet pick-up
10:00 a.m. / Race Start
10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. / Post Race Cookout/Party
(image from Facebook)