Above: Southborough’s infection numbers keep going up this fall. (click to enlarge)
The Town’s Covid-19 figures were updated again this morning. Six new cases were added bringing the total to 136. Just two weeks ago, we hit 100.
The town is continuing to experience its biggest spike of the pandemic. There are currently 25 active confirmed cases in Southborough. 36 cases were confirmed within the past 14 days, 20 within the past seven. (For more details, click on graphs above and right.)
The data shows big spikes recently for residents under 20 years old, but they are equal to spikes of 50-59 year olds. More concerning is the recent rise in cases for those aged 70 or older. The only age group that hasn’t risen in the last three weeks is residents 60-69 years old. You can see the age data in my graphs below. (Click to enlarge.)
The increase of new cases would be well over what is needed to put our town in the red. But that may not be reflected in the state’s weekly report due out this evening.
How MassDPH designates our community’s risk level depends on the timing of when tests were taken and when DPH got those results. Tonight’s report will be based on results received through yesterday for tests that were taken between November 15-28.