Nancy Sacco and Leah Selleck honored for service to the Town

Nancy Sacco received the Doc Stone Award and Leah Selleck the Peggy Tuttle Award.

Above: I’m way overdue on sharing news of two women who were honored at Annual Town Meeting for their service to the Southborough community. (images edited from Southborough Access Media video and contributed photo)

This spring, the Dr. Timothy P. Stone Award was given to resident Nancy Sacco (RN, BSN) and the Peggy Tuttle Award for Library Service Distinction was given to Southborough Library staff member Leah Selleck.

The other day, while researching another story, I watched the start of Southborough Access Media’s video of Annual Town Meeting. It reminded me that I neglected to share news on announcements of two residents who were honored for their service. Both received awards that were named in honor of others for their service to the Town.

Dr. Timothy P. Stone Annual Award

Nancy Sacco accepting Doc Stone Award (edited from SAM video)Prior to the start of Town Meeting, Board of Health Chair Chelsea Malinowski presented the award for Nancy Sacco, an 18 year Board of Health member who was stepping down when her term ended in May.

Malinowski explained that the award has historically been given to someone who has shown a concern and dedication for public health service in the town of Southborough. (The “Doc Stone Award” was named after the long time doctor and 57 year member of the Board of Health.)

She told the hall that on top of her BOH service, Sacco worked as an ICU nurse in Marlborough at Marlborough Hospital for almost 20 years and 13 years at BIDMC (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center) and is an active participant in Southborough MRC (Medical Reserve Corps)

She followed that Sacco ” is a staple at the vaccine clinics that we host at the Senior Center. During covid-19 Nancy was able to juggle working in the hospital and continuing to serve on the board of health and step up in so many ways in the vaccine clinics including one for for pediatric at Woodward School”.

In accepting the award, Sacco encouraged residents to run for Town office, “We really need you. Do it. You’ll learn a lot. You’ll meet a lot of great people.”

Malinowski’s speech included excerpts from praise from those who worked with Sacco. When I followed up with the BOH Chair, she provided the longer versions of those. Here are some excerpts:

Leslie Chamberlin — Nancy has faithfully attended almost every board meeting while serving her 18 years. She always did so with a solid and fair mind. Known for her honesty and humor, she has been a very valuable asset to the Board of Health.

Paul Pisinski — Nancy deserves a tremendous debt of gratitude for her years of service on the Board. How she was able to put the time in . . . keeping up with the latest Public Health crises in Town keeping up with constant State Codes, Regulations and Policy changes is beyond normal dedication. She always managed to keep abreast of the hundreds of desperate issues confronting the Board which ran the gamut from water pollution control, private well water protection, on-site sewage disposal, addictive substance issues, better food service protection, epidemiological problems, nuisance complaints such as noise, odor, litter control, and numerous administrative duties such as budgets, staffing and legal issues. . . 

When the Board was asked to send a member to represent the Town on regional fact finding and joint public health management topics . . . Nancy never hesitated to serve . . .

the vast majority of people never-ever have any idea that there are people like Nancy who are only interested in making Southborough a better place to live and bring up a family in a safe and healthy community.

Louis Fazen — It is a pleasure to support Nancy Sacco for the Dr Timothy Stone Award. As a nurse on active duty in a busy hospital emergency room, Nancy brought her unique insights to expand our discussions and improve decision making on the BOH. Over 18 years Nancy added her quick wit, decisive inquiry, and her many community experiences to augment the actions of the BOH.

Southborough Board of Health members Chelsea Malinowski & Safdar Medina —  We wish her the best as she enjoys her retirement from the board but look forward to seeing her at future clinics. 

The Peggy Tuttle Award for Library Service Distinction

Leah Selleck award from SAM videoDuring his pre-Town Meeting presentation on the library, Southborough Library Director Ryan Donovan congratulated Leah Selleck with the following announcement:

The award is named in honor of library staff member Peggy Tuttle, who contributed over 30 years of public service to the town. This year’s recipient is a current library staff member and town resident. With over 10 years of service to the Southborough Library, this library leader has taken on increasing roles and responsibilities with the library team. Her leadership and knowledge has been an asset to the town.

In the words of patron Lorraine Dinjian, this individual “demonstrates willingness and eagerness to be of help always. [She is] very knowledgeable about reading genre preference [and] eager to suggest new books to me. [She is] very comfortable and professional in her role [and] handles herself well on many literary topics. [She] forms a comfortable bond that goes beyond professionalism required. [She is always] bright and cheerful when encountered.”

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John Kendall
10 months ago

I’ve known and worked with Nancy for years. An extremely competent nurse, and a fantastic friend. Congratulations Nancy!

Anne Jones
10 months ago

Leah is amazingly helpful and knowledgeable, and very patient with those of us who just don’t seem to “get” the check-in machine (or whatever it’s called) at the library. Thanks, Leah, and congratulations!

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