Position paper: Joe Hubley

Seat: Board of Selectmen – 2 year term

(vote for 1 candidate)

Why I am running for office:

As a lifelong resident of Southborough, I care a great deal about the future of our town. I came to appreciate the value of community service through my father, who, in addition to being a firefighter and WWII veteran, served as the Veterans Grave Officer. Each year on Memorial Day, I came to hear him speak in honor of our veterans and I knew, even as a child, that I wanted to follow in his path of service.

I remember and appreciate Southborough’s past and I want to preserve what is best in our town. But I am also excited about our potential moving forward, and I want to create the kind of future our children deserve.

Why I am the right candidate for the position:

In my work as a Firefighter/EMT, I am accustomed to making difficult decisions under adverse conditions. As Captain of the Southborough Firefighters, a member of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Joint Labor-Management Committee and Historical Commission Chair, I have learned how to bring people together. I am focused on listening to the needs of our town and responding with reasonable, carefully considered solutions.

In short, I stand for the values of responsiveness, teamwork, caring and always putting people first. I know how important decisive leadership can be, and I am ready to bring my skills and enthusiasm to the Board of Selectmen.

My priorities/Key issues:

As I mentioned, I am committed to preserving what is best about Southborough and creating the kind of future we want for our kids.

So, what makes Southborough special? We are proud of our excellent school system, our commitment to maintaining a reasonable amount of open land, and high degree of public safety. I envision a future that carefully guards these strengths while meeting the inevitable need for growth and change.

I will support efforts to maintain the single tax rate at a modest and predictable level, while achieving our goals, and will also explore and utilize all Federal and State grant funding available for our community.

Southborough residents want to balance responsible development with the desire to preserve open space. I will draw on my experience as a unifying leader to foster a strong relationship between residents and developers. I understand the need for reasoned development that doesn’t tax our services or deplete our open space.

After determining what the residents of Southborough want, I support a decision-making process that will be more responsive to the community and more transparent.

I also propose a review of the Professional Conduct Policy for all town committees and boards, including the Board of Selectmen, to strengthen accountability and transparency.

To contact me to help support my candidacy:

People can submit comments, ask questions or offer support using the contact form at www.joehubley.com.

(Contributed photo)

[Editor’s Note: If you would like to endorse this candidate, you can comment below. This section is a mud-free, shenanigan-free zone!  So, endorsements must include your name and street name. And no criticisms or questions are to be posted on this page. You can include your reason for endorsement as long as it’s not slinging mud at other candidates.]

2 thoughts on “Position paper: Joe Hubley

  1. As a newer town resident I came to Southborough for the sense and feel of community and piece of mind that my family will be safe,and my children will be well educated in the school system. After speaking with Joe Hubley I feel that he shares the same sense of values that I do. I feel that as Selectman Joe will support higher education and public safety. Too many times politicians promise the world and make claims that they cannot support. Joe was the first person to ever ask me what I felt the town needed in an elected official and not what he was going to do for me. Joe Hubley has my support for Selectman.

    1. To keep the endorsements clear (with no false identities) I’ve been asking commenters to provide either street name or town affiliation (committees, positions, etc.) Someone pointed out that I missed this one. So I updated it.

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