If you’re interested in running for Town Office, you can start the process tomorrow. Read the full article → from Town Election season opens Friday
If you’re interested in running for Town Office, you can start the process tomorrow. Read the full article → from Town Election season opens Friday
National reporting on “what happened?” has focused on the voting trends including a purported growth of support in “blue states” since the 2020 election. I was curious about how it all played out in blue Southborough. Read the full article → from How Southborough’s vote shifted
A look at how residents voted in the big 2024 election, including comparisons where voters’ will was thwarted by national/state/regional results. Read the full article → from How Southborough voted
A downtown studio is offering art as “therapy” this evening to help cope with election-based stress Read the full article → from Election Art Therapy — Tonight
In addition to the Presidential race, there are state and regional races, plus five questions. Here’s my reminder of what’s on Southborough’s ballots and how you can cast them. Read the full article → from Election Day in Southborough
A quick reminder — if you are looking to take advantage of the opportunity to vote in person early, today and tomorrow are the last days. Read the full article → from Friday is last day of Early Voting
The Town Clerk asked me to share his FAQs/Important Election Information. Read the full article → from Election FAQs
This weekend, early voting opens in the Town House. And voters are already starting to send in their Vote By Mail ballots. So, it’s time to update readers on the details, and what’s on our ballots in Southborough — which includes 5 petition questions this year. Read the full article → from Voting in Southborough starts Saturday (Updated)
I’m taking a deeper look at how Southborough votes shook out versus overall results in the state primary. Read the full article → from Primary results in Southborough
With all of the media focus on the presidential race, it today’s primary may have slipped past many readers’ radar. So here is my refresher on the key details. Read the full article → from Reminder: State Primary is Today
I’m sharing info on important deadlines, who is on the ballots in our town, plus potential issues that some Southborough voters who selected Vote by Mail may need to straighten out. (Especially college students and residents with multiple/seasonal homes.) Read the full article → from State Primary: Double check your Vote by Mail & Save the Date
Early this morning, I reported who won the annual Town Election. Now, I’m digging into the results and adding some context. Read the full article → from Election Result Highlights (Updated-Again)
Based on the Town’s posted “unofficial results”, issued late last night, the incumbents ruled in the Annual Town Election. Read the full article → from Election Results are in
Today, (Tuesday, May 14th) is the day of our Town Election.
For those that don’t usually bother with the local election, consider this — there are races on the ballot for officials that vote on decisions that impact your property taxes, how Town departments and our high school are run, what can be built in our town, and much more. Read the full article → from Quick Reminder to Vote Today