Events this week that I missed

Boston Marathon Race Director talk on Tuesday and Closing of Art on the Trails on Sunday

Above: A runner of 165 marathons will speak in Southborough tomorrow. And the annual closing ceremony with Art (and poetry) on the Trails is Sunday. (images cropped L-R from The Dave McGillivray Finish Strong Foundation website, Facebook, and Art on the Trails website)

When I posted the event highlights for this week on Friday, there were two big ones that I initiially forgot to include. So, here’s a reminder of the motivational talk and art and poetry event.

Dave McGillivray speaking (image cropped from The Dave McGillivray Finish Strong Foundation website)Motivational Talk by Boston Marathon Race Director Dave McGillivray
Tuesday, September 12, 7:00 – 8:30 pm @ Trottier Middle School, 49 Parkerville Road

The community is invited to “Come hear McGillivray’s running achievements from a young boy through adulthood and how he empowers youth to dream big and finish strong!”

RSVP is encouraged, but walk-ins are allowed. For more details, see dedicated post.

Art on Trails (top image from Facebook, bottom from Art on the Trails website)Art on the Trails Closing Ceremony
Sunday, September 17, 3:00 – 5:00 pm @ Beals Preserve

The closing ceremony for this year’s outdoor art exhibit will feature a walk through the woods to stop at each installations and hear poets read their poems inspired by the works.

RSVP is requested. For more details, see dedicated post.

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