If the photos you all sent in are any indication, there was much fun had at Summer Nights on Saturday. From kids covered in bubbles, to those with painted faces, the smiles tell it all. Read the full article → from Your photos from Summer Nights
Summer Nights a success thanks to community support

It takes a village to make Southborough’s annual Summer Nights celebration a success, and Recreation Director Dorren Ferguson passed along these words of thanks to all those who helped out. Read the full article → from Summer Nights a success thanks to community support
Everything you need to know about Summer Nights 2012

Here are all the details you’ll need for Summer Nights on Sunday. Bring a blanket and some lawn chairs and claim an area on the lawn, then head off to enjoy all the activities, food, and music. Read the full article → from Everything you need to know about Summer Nights 2012
Where to park for Summer Nights
If you’ll be driving and parking to attend Summer Nights on Saturday (5:00 pm at Neary School), or if you’ll be dropping off the kids and then picking them up afterward, here’s what you need to know. Read the full article → from Where to park for Summer Nights
Southborough Summer Nights is Saturday!
I don’t know about yours, but my family is getting very excited for Summer Nights on Saturday. Read the full article → from Southborough Summer Nights is Saturday!
Volunteers needed for Southborough Summer Nights

Plans are coming together for Southborough Summer Nights on August 25, but organizers are looking for a few more volunteers to help out. Read the full article → from Volunteers needed for Southborough Summer Nights
Large turnout expected at Summer Nights this year

The biggest change to Southborough Summer Nights this year just might be its date. The annual summer celebration has typically taken place on a Sunday evening, but this year organizers moved the festivities to Saturday. It’s a change they expect will ramp up the turnout. Read the full article → from Large turnout expected at Summer Nights this year