The Open Space Preservation Commission is hoping third time’s the charm for their outdoor concert and Pollinator Garden events. Read the full article → from Native Plant Sale added to Sunday’s Planet Palooza activities
The Open Space Preservation Commission is hoping third time’s the charm for their outdoor concert and Pollinator Garden events. Read the full article → from Native Plant Sale added to Sunday’s Planet Palooza activities
The Open Space Preservation Commission is hoping third time’s the charm for their outdoor concert and Pollinator Garden events. Read the full article → from Earth Day Outdoor Concert and Garden Talk & Tour – May 21 (Updated)
Reminder — The annual Earth Day Cleanup this Saturday will kick off Southborough’s Planet Palooza. Read the full article → from Planet Palooza kicks off this weekend (Updated – Again)
Here are highlights of what’s happening around (or related to) our town this weekend through next. Read the full article → from Events this week (Updated)
With spring break starting this afternoon and Earth Day next week, I’m overdue in sharing what The Trustees of Reservations have in store at the Southborough farm for the remainder of this month. Read the full article → from April at Chestnut Hill Farm
Above: Pilgrim is promoting its plans to educate Sunday School students about the importance of protecting the planet through fun Earth Day activities. (images from Facebook and event website) Pilgrim Church has special activities lined up for children over the next three Sundays in honor of Earth Day. Read the full article → from Pilgrim Church invites kids to celebrate protecting the earth
The Open Space Preservation Commission is again celebrating Earth Day over more than one day. The committee has partnered with several other Town committees and organizations for a full week “Planet Palooza” celebration. Read the full article → from Planet Palooza 2023 (Updated)
Rotary is encouraging the community to make plans to help with the annual Clean Up timed to celebrate Earth Day. Read the full article → from Earth Day Clean Up is April 22nd
In two weeks, SOLF is bringing in an expert on for a special presentation about how Coyotes behave and live so successfully near people. Read the full article → from Eastern Coyote/Coywolf — April 27