On Heritage Day, the Town will hold a dedication ceremony in the new “Heritage Park”. The ceremony is to commemorate a bench that is dedicated to a late Southborough resident, Kim Tolander. Read the full article → from Heritage Day Ceremony for bench at Heritage Park honoring Kim Tolander
pocket park
Select Board member calls for audit of St. Mark’s Street & Park project (Updated)
At last night’s meeting, member Al Hamilton called for an independent audit be conducted of the controversial project for the park and road construction project at St, Mark’s Street. Read the full article → from Select Board member calls for audit of St. Mark’s Street & Park project (Updated)
St. Mark’s Park (and street) project back on track
Officials are rejoicing that the project that put them at odds with vocal critics is finally close to completion two years after digging started. Read the full article → from St. Mark’s Park (and street) project back on track
St. Mark’s Street Park continues to divide officials (Updated)
Select Board and Planning members debate process and whether officials have broken their word.
Town Counsel has advised the Select Board that the park plans don’t require Site Plan Review by the Planning Board. At their most recent Planning Board meeting, members rebuked the Select Board. Read the full article → from St. Mark’s Street Park continues to divide officials (Updated)
Tree removal hearings – Tuesday (Updated)
Planning and Select boards to discuss new tree policy and hold consolidated hearings on tree removals.
On May 2nd, the Planning Board and Select Board will hold joint a joint meeting to deal with tree issues in town. Read the full article → from Tree removal hearings – Tuesday (Updated)
ATM debates and approves completing St. Mark’s Street and Park
Highlights and local coverage of the discussions about the St. Mark’s Street Read the full article → from ATM debates and approves completing St. Mark’s Street and Park
Town Meeting vote results
Voters approve St. Mark's Park and Gonkplex Articles, but were less welcoming to Tree & Scenic Roads bylaws and regionalizing Dispatch Services
Voters approved a lot of important town business over the course of nine hours on Saturday. Read the full article → from Town Meeting vote results
Annual Town Meeting: St. Mark’s Street & Park Articles
While some urge moving forward with a road discontinuance and land swap as the best plan for resolving the "mess", the Planning Board is cautioning the Town to slow down and clarify muddy details first.
Tomorrow, the Select Board will bring the controversial St. Mark’s Street relocation and park project back to Annual Town Meeting voters. The board’s handling of the project since rebuked by voters last spring has turned around some naysayers. But with a ⅔ approval from voters needed for Article 12, and some vocal opponents still raising questions, the board was already facing a tough sell.
That just got tougher with the release of the Planning Board’s report to the Select Board as a Town Meeting handout. In it, Planning highlights why it can’t support the street discontinuance included in the Article. Read the full article → from Annual Town Meeting: St. Mark’s Street & Park Articles
Letter: Town Meeting Articles 12 and 13 (from a former project opponent)
This letter from resident Patricia Burns Fiore explains why she is supporting the Select Board’s Town Meeting Articles related to the St. Mark’s parking lot and town park and asking other voters to join her. Read the full article → from Letter: Town Meeting Articles 12 and 13 (from a former project opponent)
Annual Town Meeting: Advisory Report & Budget Articles (Updated)
The Advisory Committee asked me to make its annual report to Town Meeting voters available to readers. Read the full article → from Annual Town Meeting: Advisory Report & Budget Articles (Updated)
Letter: Vote No on Articles 12 & 13
This letter to the editor from resident David Parry lays out his “Five reasons” to vote against the Select Board’s Town Meeting Articles related to a land swap with St. Mark’s School, road closure and park. Read the full article → from Letter: Vote No on Articles 12 & 13
More Citizen Petitions headed to Town Meeting
Annual Town Meeting voters will be asked to weigh in on 11 petitions.
Four more petitions qualified to be added to the Warrant for the March 25th Annual Town Meeting, bringing the total to 11. Read the full article → from More Citizen Petitions headed to Town Meeting
Letter: St. Mark’s Street & Park Timeline
This letter to the editor from resident Jack Barron provides his summary of the “chain of events” related to the St Mark’s Street and park construction project and welcomes community comments. Read the full article → from Letter: St. Mark’s Street & Park Timeline
St Mark’s Park Update and More Questions
Concerns over what MassDOT was told; Select Board revises land swap agreement; Park design discussion tonight
I’m sharing an update on the latest developments — and providing more context on questions publicly raised about the former DPW Superintendent’s communications with MassDOT. Read the full article → from St Mark’s Park Update and More Questions